Monday, April 4, 2011

Strange Sex on TLC

There is a series on The Learning Channel called "Strange Sex", which features stories involving the science behind sex. In this blog post I am concentrating on one called "Seeking Sensation" which starred Ron Low of TLCTugger website (not affiliated with the TLC channel).

ABCNews ran an article on this episode.

The Smoking Jacket ran an article and a link to the trailer.

And here is the link right to TLC's website.

I believe there is a real important reason this episode is getting so much attention... there are many men in North America who've been circumcised without their consent shortly after birth and are seeking a solution to get back the sensation that was robbed from them.

And if you didn't catch the episode when it aired, I am trying to find out if it's posted anywhere online. Look here for the various episodes of Strange Sex.

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