Foreskin Restoration Links, A Starting Point

I am cut, am manually restoring at the moment. Basically for manual tugging you pull on the skin in different methods and tug it for a set amount of time(1-60mins+ even) 1+ times a day everyday so you regain skin.

I'm doing this to fit tlc-x the strapless restoration device then it can do the tugging for me, and it'll have the retaining cone to regain glans sensitivity. ~Greg

Here are a few links that explain foreskin restoration:

Here is a video of Aubrey Taylor explaining foreskin restoration. She's really informative; check it out:

Here's a video of Ron Low and his Wife explaining foreskin restoration and how amazing it has been for them:

And watch the video above that one first for another explanation^^^^^

For more info:

(There are also permanent links on the side of the blog here. ~Note from Monica.)

Look at this penis to see how foreskin restoration undoes some of the damage: (*NSFW Graphic Education Nudity*)

How a restored foreskin moves:

The restored skin will be there forever, guys stop restoring based on their preference of how much skin they want. Some want a reallly reaaaaally long foreskin , some want just enough to cover the glans, etc.

Here's a coverage index to show the different stages of foreskin coverage(NSFW Nudity) :

And yes it is basically creating new skins cells, so it's not like creating stretch marks like aubrey taylor said, it's tugging =)

And if you just stop restoring completely instead of shrinking, because of sexual activity and masturbation the skin will slightly slight slightly get a bit longer not that much but yeah. So instead of shrinking it's always growing but not substancially if you stop cold turkey lol

To see with your own eyes the damage of genital cutting(NSFW graphic nudity): "-

The keratinization or drying out and building of a layer of keratin of the glans and penile mucosa to protect the penis from air and clothing due to the loss of the prepuce's protection further reduces sensitivity. Here is a picture of a penis with a keratinized glans v a shiny intact penis:

(Thanks for using our example! ~Monica)

And aesthetically(visually) a cut v intact penis picture to visually to show the damage: (*NSFW Graphic Nudity*)

/175106_10150117141913024_502498023_6417515_3672720_o.jpg "

However this is the most important thing you will read. An article on "The Vulnerability of Men" to see how to talk to men about genital cutting and restoration a touchy subject:

(Udonet did a FANTASTIC job with that article. ~Monica)

However after learning the truth and what I can do for myself I've been given a better image.

This article on "The Vulnerability of Men" will help you on talking to your husband about circumcision, keeping your kids intact, his feelings etc:

There are devices that you can use to induce mitosis in the skin to cause growth. These can be worn under the clothes during normal daily activities.Here are some of the products:

You can also accomplish the same effect manually depending on how much time you can devote to "tugging".There are some different methods outlined here:

There is a forum for men who are restoring. There are over 200,000 members and all are using different techniques.Here is the welcome page for those just starting out:

Here is another part of the forum that talks about additional methods such as taping and retaining:

Here is a great low-cost alternative to buying a retaining device:

A good reference to have on hand is the Coverage index. It has different coverage numbers depending on how much foreskin a person has or how tightly they were cut. Certain tugging methods work best depending on how much foreskin you have. It's a good reference point to look at the pictures to figure out where you are to start, where you want to stop, and what you can expect along the way.

There is an interesting in-depth blog by a man just starting his restoration journey with the TLC tugger device.

For circumcision info, intactivism, and keeping your kids intact, more info on restoration, etc:

-By Greg and Bri


Found this comment this morning while cruising around the internet. Can't say that I don't agree, but maybe Josh put it a little more bluntly than I would have.

(Language NSFW)

Fortunately, Josh, we're not *all* that bad.

In Response to All Fooked Up

Back in December of 2010, Lynn, who writes and publishes a blog called All Fooked Up shared a (what she calls "funny") story with us about a conversation she had with her mother-in-law right after she got married, but before having children. It was about circumcision. It carried the title "In which i shock my mother-in-law".

Lynn says the conversation started about another family member who gave birth to a boy:

MIL: “They (the parent’s) have decided not to circumcise BOY”
Me: “They need to circumcise him”

MIL: “No Lynn, they’ve done a lot of research and they’ve decided not to”

Me: “He definitely needs to be circumcised!”

This goes on for a while until Lynn finally reveals her very important reason for having a baby boy circumcised:

MIL: “I’m not sure that you’re aware of all the new research Lynn”

Me: “The hell with the research. He needs to be circumcised”

MIL: (Starting to get visibly upset…agitated even) “Why? Why do you keep saying that Lynn?”
Me: “It’s just really important”


Me: “Why MIL? I’ll tell you why!”

Me: “are you sure you want to know?”

Me: “Because...” (wait for it … wait for it!) “… if he doesn’t get circumcised there’s no way that kid is EVER going to get a BLOWJOB!!!”

Let those last words sink in before you go on.

Then, at the very end of this blog post, she writes:

I’ve never had a run in with a guy with a hoodie and I really can’t say whether the kid ever got a blowjob but I was just doing my part, watching out for the welfare of a minor. Do you agree? Or disagree? I really don’t care…I was just asking.

Lynn, care or not, you invited comments.

This all goes back to men being judged and not accepted in this society. Their penises will never be good enough. They are taught to be ashamed of what they have, even before birth. The same attitude that I struggle with every single day, knowing how much damage it does. These messages go in deep.

I'm not a man, but I am a mother. I am a mother of two boys. I have a vested interest in how these attitudes affect men because my boys will one day be men. I have also observed how these attitudes affect relationships, mine included.

We need to get back to basics. Go all the way back to the beginning. Are boys born with "extra" skin because there's no purpose for it? Why are we so arrogant, as a society, that we believe that we need to alter someone else's genitals to fit into our idea of "perfect", despite all the risks that come with surgery, despite that this is not our body to make these decisions, despite causing major emotional and physical trauma to the point of a majority of men in our society regularly display symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome for what was done to them *before conscious memory*?

I say before conscious memory, because they love to remind you that babies won't remember this little "snip". I don't agree. I have been taught that the body, every cell in the body, in fact, holds memory of every trauma that happens. Counseling and therapy teaches this concept. Very important and effective therapeutic techniques have been developed around this whole idea.

If you are physically assaulted before you reach the age of 2, does that mean it won't affect you? If you are drugged and lose consciousness and raped, does that not count?

I propose that the pain and trauma of infant/child circumcision is not only unnecessary, but damaging.

And it enforces the belief that men are not perfect, that their penises are not beautiful, that there's nothing they can do about it, that they will never be good enough.

Also, joking about cutting off pieces of a person's genitals minimizes the trauma the cut individual experiences, sending another message that that person's feelings are unimportant.

Interestingly, Lynn's original post got some attention again recently and attracted some pro-intact comments. Many of the comments were thoughtful and educated. I got the distinct impression, though, that many people did not like the suggestion that circumcision is unnecessary. Lynn followed up with a post dated June 15, 2011 which she titled "In which i respond to the bullshit" (her -lack of- capitalization), implying that having to be forced to have this conversation, or the subject matter, is "bullshit", and therefore is unimportant.

This reflects perfectly the way women are taught to behave in this North American society: shame your men, pick them apart, then when someone speaks up, silence them quickly. Ignore the issue, ignore the shame, ignore the damage that is done to our men, and then tell them not to express any emotion about it! (Example: "Big boys don't cry.")

Lynn also mentions at the very end of the second post that her family is Jewish and her son's circumcision was part of a religious ceremony. I really hate bringing religion into this, so I'll just mention the fact that there are plenty of links here on the blog for anyone to start their own research into the religious aspect. I am certainly not the proper person to present reasons and examples for not doing this for religion. I will, however, say that all children should be allowed the same religious freedom adults enjoy in this country, and be allowed to grow up and make up their own minds about what God they will or will not believe in, and not have to endure permanent marks on their bodies that are a symbol of their parents' beliefs. There are many cases of children growing up to follow a completely different spiritual path than the one in which they were raised:

More than a third of the population practices a religion other than what they were raised in.
(quote: "More than one-quarter of American adults, 28%, have left the faith in which they were raised in favor of another religion, or no religion at all. If change in affiliation from one type of Protestantism to another is included, 44% of adults have either switched religious affiliation, moved from being unaffiliated with any religion to being affiliated with a particular faith, or dropped any connection to a specific religious tradition altogether.")

And yes, Lynn, I have a sense of humor. That's not the point in objecting to your blog post (or "funny story" as you call it) as you suggested with other reader comments. I just don't find anything funny at all about nonconsensual, unnecessary cosmetic surgery on a person too young to understand what is being forced upon them.

And like you are so fond of saying yourself, if you don't like what I have to say, move on. Or, to quote you exactly: "This blog is not for the light-hearted or easily offended. If either one of those descriptions applies to you, I suggest you start drinking before you read this blog. A sense of humor is suggested. If you don't have one that sucks for you... find one and get a life!" I am a person that is extremely hard to offend and if you can't handle this blog's truth about child circumcision, then I suggest to you that you should not be so self-righteous and flippant about cutting up their genitals and assuming what their sexual preferences will be when they grow up.

Disclaimer: I did not write this to try to change Lynn's mind. Her son is grown now and I probably wouldn't have changed her mind anyway. I wrote this in an attempt to dispel some myths and present the fact that this surgery is unnecessary. I am not trying to start an internet war. I want readers to understand why I believe Lynn's story is not "funny", but in fact damaging. You know what is funny? This:

What do a Rubik's Cube and a penis have in common?

The more you play with them, the harder they get.

On that note, I wish you all a fantastic day.

More research:

Psychological Impact of Circumcision

British Journal of Medical Society report

Medical Studies on Circumcision

Brain Waves (MRI) During and After Circumcision

Trauma held in body tissues

Trauma, memory, and cybernetic structure of the mind

Cellular Memory and IET

Jews Against Circumcision

Beyond the Bris

Here's the original entry:

Russell Crowe, Outspoken Intactivist!

Another celebrity has chosen to speak out about the unnecessary horrors of child circumcision.

Russell Crowe recently tweeted:

Russell joins the likes of Howard Stern, Mario Lopez, Colin Farrell, Christopher Hitchens, and many other celebrities speaking out against circumcision.

Visit the facebook page "Celebrities Against Circumcision" or Circumstition's page "Circumcised and hated it" to see more famous people standing up for babies' rights to a whole body.


Russell apologizes.

Eli Roth defends his friend.

The Visual Aspects of the Penis

A friend sent me this article. No doubt most of you have already heard of the Weiner scandal, but this article I found particularly interesting because of the attitudes towards men it explores.

I had many personal emotional reactions to what was written in this article, and if you're patient with my explanation, you'll see why it relates to the circumcision issue.

I am a woman. I happen to love the penis. And yes, I happen to love the way they look. I think they're wonderful and quirky and fun. I am obviously a minority in this emotionally damaged society. Why would nature set us up to not enjoy the way our partner looked naked? That would be counter-productive.

Instead, I propose to you that the attitudes presented in this article of women who do not like penises, or do not like looking at penises, is a direct result of our brainwashing to hold men down (figuratively and literally) and mutilate their penises. Men are being taught from birth to not love their own bodies. I am in a unique position, having this blog, because I have heard from many men as a result of publishing this work. The letters that especially touch me are the ones from young men who report having been ashamed of their bodies, of their penises, because either they were circumcised, or they weren't! They can't win in this American society, because no matter what is or is not done to your penis, you get the message no one is going to like it anyway. I am thrilled when I get a letter from a man who simply says to me, "Thank you for saying the penis is attractive. You've made me feel so much better about myself."

Does anyone else see the insanity here? It is being drilled into men's heads their *entire* lives that no matter what they do, their bodies are unattractive, their penises are ugly, they will never be beautiful, and there's nothing they can do about it! How damaging is this message!

To tie all this together, this is a huge reason of why I am an intactivist. We need to give men their power back, the power to love themselves. We have to stop cutting them up in childhood and making them feel that they are not beautiful. We have to learn to rethink this whole issue and realize the penis IS BEAUTIFUL. Look at all this phallic symbol represents: fertility and masculinity and strength. It is not something to be cut forcibly and violently in childhood. We need to stop damaging our men, both physically and emotionally. We need to teach them, and teach ourselves as a society as a whole, that they are beautiful and accept them for how they are and love them.

There are attacks on female sexuality constantly as well, especially in the modeling industry and what comes out of Hollywood, but at least there are many who want to defend female sexuality and help women feel healthy and positive about their bodies. There were campaigns started to help raise awareness of what these attitudes are doing to women. Where are the campaigns to build up men? I propose that intactivism is the largest campaign to help men learn to love themselves.

I believe this is such a basic concept that has far reaching consequences. I believe we need to adjust our thinking and learn acceptance of ourselves in our natural states. Our uptight Victorian attitudes are outdated. It is time to stop allowing the psychological damage these attitudes create. We need to love ourselves and each other.