Progressive Parenting Radio
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on Friday, May 27, 2011
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New Team Member Marshall
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on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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New Team Member Marshall
Please join me in welcoming the newest member of our intactivist blog team, who joins us as a writer.
Blog News May 2011
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Just a few announcements / updates for all the readers of
After getting a suggestion from a reader who asked me to look into adding some widgets, the blog now has two new tools available.
A translate option (powered by Google) so that people from around the world can read our message...
as well as a box you can type questions regarding circumcision, intactivism, and restoring. If I don't know the answer, I will do my very best to get it for you!
Please don't hesitate to take advantage of the two new tools available for readers and hopefully these changes will encourage more readers to come here.
We also have a new contributing author who has just joined us. Please look out in the next few days for his bio to be posted.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to say I'm grateful for all the readers and all the links posted all over the internet. I've met some really fantastic people on this journey and look forward to working with more intactivists! Thank you for supporting our efforts!
Blog Glitch
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on Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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Apologies to the email subscribers for the multiple posts this morning. We've worked out the issue. We apologize for the glitch. :-)
Keratinization and Circumcision Status
Posted by
cut vs uncut,
Comments: (10)
Keratinization and Circumcision Status
Please realize this post is recognized as "Not Safe For Work", or if you have minor children standing behind you. Only scroll down if you are able to view graphic photographs of the male anatomy. This is NOT porn.

Illustration 1, above. The intact penis of a 71 year old Caucausian male pictured above shows preservation of child-like thin, smooth, and shiny purple glans surface tissue substantially unlike shaft skin on the same penis.

Illustration 2, above. The circumcised penis of a 40 year old Caucasian male pictured above shows keratinization in the change of glans surface tissue to rougher, pink, normal body skin similar to shaft skin on the same penis.
The bullet (Illustration 1) and helmet (Illustration 2) shaped glans of the models are two normal variations in glans shape unrelated to circumcision status. It was intended to show the models in substantively the same state of tumescence for fair comparison.
Keratinization: Etiology and Relationship to Age
Etiology — The glans (head) of the penis is a genital structure that is normally protected from external contact by the foreskin of the natural penis. When the penis is modified by amputation of the foreskin, then this natural protection is lost and a process called keratinization proceeds to protect the delicate glans surface tissue from drying and the abrasion of the external environment. In other words, the normally delicate and smooth glans external membrane becomes calloused, or keratinized.
Relationship to Age — Although keratinization is an expected age-related change in the circumcised penis, it is not a manifestation of normal aging in the intact penis, as shown in the illustrations above. We document this fact using men of substantially different ages and opposite circumcision status as models. There is no evidence of keratinization in the 71 year old intact penis, and obvious keratinization in the 40 year old circumcised penis.
Effects of Keratinization
Delayed Clinical Presentation — Although the adaptation of glans surface tissue to exposure to the external environment necessarily begins soon after the trauma of circumcision, the process of keratinization progresses for decades and is rarely, if ever, seen as a source of presenting complaints by the OB-GYN or pediatrician who performs the circumcision surgery.
Loss of Glans Sensitivity — However, there are clinical problems due to keratinization that present long after childhood. This is because in protecting the unnaturally exposed glans, keratinization decreases its sensitivity. Research has documented that many different areas of the intact penis are more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis – which is the circumcision scar itself (see Sorrells, M, et al, ‘Fine touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis.’ The full text of this scientific publication is available: ). Thus, there is no question that the glans of the circumcised penis is a less sensitive structure than that of the intact penis.
Sex Partner Complaints — Not only has decreased glans sensitivity been associated with complaints of decreased sexual pleasure in men, their partners also suffer consequences of circumcisions. Anecdotal evidence includes complaints of pounding sex, dry unpleasant sex, and vaginal abrasion or lesions that are commonly heard from older women sex partners of circumcised men. The etiology of these complaints involves loss of penis sheath mobility and loss of glans sensitivity in the circumcised penis.
Erectile Dysfunction — Decreased glans sensitivity has also been associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Men have complained that sexual stimulation during intercourse has been insufficient for them to maintain an erection firm enough for coitus, and have sought relief through the use of prescription medications for treatment of ED.
Foreskin Restoration
The National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM) lists more than 16 physical attributes of the foreskin and adjacent structures, including the frenulum, that are commonly destroyed by circumcision (The “Lost List”: ). Among those that NORM considers restorable are glans color and texture, which is a restoration result that reverses keratinization. Thus, NORM cites foreskin restoration results that “… closely mirror natural glans coloration and smooth glossy appearance of the glans seen in intact men.’ In conjunction with this reversal of keratinization, the gliding action of the skin sheath of the penis, which is lost in the circumcised penis and is consequently a common source of sex partner complaints, can be regained as one of the primary benefits of foreskin restoration, providing “… greater levels of comfort and pleasure during intercourse.” For ongoing discussion of foreskin restoration please see and .
Keratinization: Etiology and Relationship to Age
Etiology — The glans (head) of the penis is a genital structure that is normally protected from external contact by the foreskin of the natural penis. When the penis is modified by amputation of the foreskin, then this natural protection is lost and a process called keratinization proceeds to protect the delicate glans surface tissue from drying and the abrasion of the external environment. In other words, the normally delicate and smooth glans external membrane becomes calloused, or keratinized.
Relationship to Age — Although keratinization is an expected age-related change in the circumcised penis, it is not a manifestation of normal aging in the intact penis, as shown in the illustrations above. We document this fact using men of substantially different ages and opposite circumcision status as models. There is no evidence of keratinization in the 71 year old intact penis, and obvious keratinization in the 40 year old circumcised penis.
Effects of Keratinization
Delayed Clinical Presentation — Although the adaptation of glans surface tissue to exposure to the external environment necessarily begins soon after the trauma of circumcision, the process of keratinization progresses for decades and is rarely, if ever, seen as a source of presenting complaints by the OB-GYN or pediatrician who performs the circumcision surgery.
Loss of Glans Sensitivity — However, there are clinical problems due to keratinization that present long after childhood. This is because in protecting the unnaturally exposed glans, keratinization decreases its sensitivity. Research has documented that many different areas of the intact penis are more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis – which is the circumcision scar itself (see Sorrells, M, et al, ‘Fine touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis.’ The full text of this scientific publication is available: ). Thus, there is no question that the glans of the circumcised penis is a less sensitive structure than that of the intact penis.
Sex Partner Complaints — Not only has decreased glans sensitivity been associated with complaints of decreased sexual pleasure in men, their partners also suffer consequences of circumcisions. Anecdotal evidence includes complaints of pounding sex, dry unpleasant sex, and vaginal abrasion or lesions that are commonly heard from older women sex partners of circumcised men. The etiology of these complaints involves loss of penis sheath mobility and loss of glans sensitivity in the circumcised penis.
Erectile Dysfunction — Decreased glans sensitivity has also been associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Men have complained that sexual stimulation during intercourse has been insufficient for them to maintain an erection firm enough for coitus, and have sought relief through the use of prescription medications for treatment of ED.
Foreskin Restoration
The National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM) lists more than 16 physical attributes of the foreskin and adjacent structures, including the frenulum, that are commonly destroyed by circumcision (The “Lost List”: ). Among those that NORM considers restorable are glans color and texture, which is a restoration result that reverses keratinization. Thus, NORM cites foreskin restoration results that “… closely mirror natural glans coloration and smooth glossy appearance of the glans seen in intact men.’ In conjunction with this reversal of keratinization, the gliding action of the skin sheath of the penis, which is lost in the circumcised penis and is consequently a common source of sex partner complaints, can be regained as one of the primary benefits of foreskin restoration, providing “… greater levels of comfort and pleasure during intercourse.” For ongoing discussion of foreskin restoration please see and .
Religiously Compelling
Posted by
This blog's purpose is not to debate religion, but I realize that many are still circumcising because they believe their religion demands it. I would be remiss if I didn't at least offer the information for you to do your own research. Please keep in mind I am not an expert on religion so therefore will not be able to answer questions that are sent in on this subject. Therefore I am providing the following links to direct you to people who know way more than I do on the subject.
The case against Jews circumcising. Also for Jewish, watch the film Cut.
Pagans / Wiccans believe in "First, do no harm."
Buddhism has long been known for peacefulness towards all living creatures.
Gnostic Society: Gospel of Thomas (read #53)
Buddhism has long been known for peacefulness towards all living creatures.
Gnostic Society: Gospel of Thomas (read #53)
More reading material here:
Breaking News: Santa Monica
Posted by
on Saturday, May 21, 2011
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A proposal for a ban on circumcision is now filed in Santa Monica.
Quote from a Cut Male
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Came across this quote today from a male in the United States who was cut at an age that he remembers his circumcision:
One Baby's Experience
Posted by
on Monday, May 16, 2011

One Baby's Experience
The following pictures were taken from a slide series depicting a routine circumcision of a newborn infant within a typical hospital nursery setting. These pictures were originally published in the December 1981 issue of The Saturday Evening Post and were provided by The Curtis Publishing Company (subsidiary of The Saturday Evening Post). The accompanying text was written by Rosemary Romberg.
If you can't view these images, check/adjust your Firewall, Popup Stoppers and/or Security Settings.
If you can't view these images, check/adjust your Firewall, Popup Stoppers and/or Security Settings.

Parents may have heard the long disproven associations of circumcision with disease prevention or cleanliness. A circumcised father may have the idea that his sons penis should "match" his own.

Some viewers may object that pictures of infant circumcision are "too horrible for parents to see." Again, as I have repeatedly emphasized elsewhere, if infant circumcision is too horrible for adults to see, then it should also be too horrible for babies to experience! Who is it most important that we protect?

3. In this picture the baby is sleeping peacefully in his crib in the hospital nursery, blissfully unaware of the trauma that he will soon experience.

Each infant, so special to his or her own parents and family, is merely "one in the crowd" in most hospitals.
Hospital personnel in maternity wards see hundreds of new babies every year and can easily forget about the specialness and individuality of each one.

Obviously he does not like his strapped down, vulnerable predicament. Even before the painful operation begins, being restrained in this contraption is frightening and traumatic for an infant who only wants to feel warmth, comfort and security. In the background there are several sterile instruments and a small bowl ready for the doctor's use in performing the surgery.

** Important Note** For parents who are planning or considering leaving their babies intact - some medical practitioners will forcibly retract the foreskins of intact baby boys because they do not understand the normal development of the infant's foreskin. This may happen in the hospital nursery or during one of the baby's office visits. Forcibly retracting a baby's foreskin is painful and is usually what causes the so-called "problems" such as infection or phimosis that are often attributed to non-circumcision. It is NORMAL for an intact baby's foreskin to be tight. If left alone it will loosen gradually of its own accord by the time he is anywhere from a few months to a few years old, or possibly not until his teenaged years. If you leave your baby intact, leave his foreskin alone and be sure to instruct your baby's health care provider to leave it alone as well.

Of course all he can do is cry. He cries out of fright, discomfort at being restrained in the Circumstraint , and of course from the pain as the most sensitive part of his body is clamped and cut.

First a hemostat, a scissors-like clamp, is applied to the end of the foreskin. This smashes and flattens a small length of the skin so that there will be little or no bleeding when the cut is made.
Tweezers are also used to lift the foreskin away from the glans and hold it out as the hemostat is applied.

The idea that newborn infants feel no pain is absolutely false! In years past mothers were often heavily anesthetized during labor and baby boys were commonly circumcised shortly after birth, so those babies would have had some anesthetic in their systems.
Today most mothers give birth either naturally or with regional anesthetics that have less direct effect on the baby. Also, today, most medical professionals prefer to wait at least a day or two after birth before performing a circumcision.

Some practitioners do give the baby a local anesthetic for circumcision, although its use is tricky and its effectiveness questionable. Most babies scream and cry when they are circumcised. However, a few babies go into a semi-coma state of shock for which the trauma is too intense to cry out.
Adults have sometimes mis-interpreted the lack of crying in these instances as indication that circumcision is not painful for a baby.

This device is usually left in place for about 5 minutes so that the blood vessels are completely sealed off. After that the outer foreskin is trimmed away with a scalpel and the clamp is then removed. Normally stitches are not required when a baby is circumcised.

The skin of the newly circumcised glans of a newborn baby has just had its outer protective layer torn away and will be raw and sore like the very sensitive new skin beneath a blister. The circumcised baby's penis will be sore for several days and it will sting whenever he urinates. It is advised that he be diapered loosely and have his diaper changed as frequently as possible.

Sometimes medical professionals will circumcise several babies over lunch hour or early in the morning while making their rounds. Hospital nurseries usually have several Circumstraint © boards, various clamps and other equipment used for circumcision on hand.
20. The baby is now lifted up out of the Circumstraint board and is ready to be re-diapered and placed back in his crib, or hopefully be brought back to his mother for comforting. There is a look of betrayal in the baby's expression, especially in his eyes. He now knows that this world is not as safe or harmless as he once supposed. Babies learn from their experiences. Even experiences not consciously remembered later in life contribute to a negative or positive effect on each individual.
We can only speculate what the long term effect of this assault on a baby's body may be, but many have suggested that the tendency for insensitivity, callousness and violence on the part of many males in our society may have its roots in this traumatic operation during infancy. In any event, it is obvious that the infant who is spared the trauma of painful, unnecessary medical procedures will certainly be a much more peaceful, trusting individual.
This alone should be the basis for parents' consideration in leaving their infants whole, peaceful, natural and intact.
For permission to reproduce any or all of these pictures or text please contact:
The Saturday Evening Post
c/o The Curtis Publishing Co.
1100 Waterway Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN. 46202
(317) 633-8841
Rosemary Romberg
13020 Sues Way
Anchorage, AK. 99516
(907) 345-4813
We can only speculate what the long term effect of this assault on a baby's body may be, but many have suggested that the tendency for insensitivity, callousness and violence on the part of many males in our society may have its roots in this traumatic operation during infancy. In any event, it is obvious that the infant who is spared the trauma of painful, unnecessary medical procedures will certainly be a much more peaceful, trusting individual.
This alone should be the basis for parents' consideration in leaving their infants whole, peaceful, natural and intact.
For permission to reproduce any or all of these pictures or text please contact:
The Saturday Evening Post
c/o The Curtis Publishing Co.
1100 Waterway Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN. 46202
(317) 633-8841
Rosemary Romberg
13020 Sues Way
Anchorage, AK. 99516
(907) 345-4813
Monica Lunn and received permission from Rosemary Romberg to publish this here.
John Harvey Kellogg
Posted by
battle creek,
JH Kellogg,
Comments: (4)
This morning I realized a lot of people do not know of or understand the connection between Kelloggs cereals, masturbation, and circumcision. I hope this blog post clears it up for those of you who are unaware.
From wikipedia:
John Harvey Kellogg (February 26, 1852 – December 14, 1943) was an American medical doctor in Battle Creek, Michigan, who ran a sanitarium using holistic methods, with a particular focus on nutrition, enemas and exercise. Kellogg was an advocate of vegetarianism and is best known for the invention of the corn flakes breakfast cereal with his brother, Will Keith Kellogg.[1] He led in the establishment of the American Medical Missionary College. The College, founded in 1895, operated until 1910 when it merged with Illinois State University.
I woke up with Kellogg's on my mind, and not because I wanted some cereal. From the above paragraph you now know there was a man named John Harvey Kellogg who lived in the United States and had a medical degree.
Kellogg was a Seventh Day Adventist who lost his fellowship in 1907 after publishing a book that disagreed with the views of the Traditionalists in the church.
While he was still a member of the church he began his vegetarianism and "holistic" teachings. He believed in enemas (gallons of water followed by an injection of yogurt into the rectum) to "purify the bowel" and diets and exercises that would supposedly decrease sexual desire. He taught sexual abstinence, which included avoiding masturbation. Here is the key that leads to the answer: for what is a surgeon to do, what will he promote, if he does not believe in masturbation as a normal part of life? He began advocating and performing circumcision surgery around the turn of the century.
He taught that circumcision must be done while the patient is conscious and without anesthesia. He believed that if this surgery was accompanied by pain the patient would learn to associate pain with the genitals and therefore be able to avoid masturbation. He was cutting little boys' prepuces off without any kind of pain medication whatsoever (a practice that has astoundingly survived up to modern day).
But he didn't stop with boys. He also believed, and taught, that little girls must also be punished in the same way. Instead of circumcising them outright, he gave little girls carbolic acid (phenol) baths to their clitorises.
In Kellogg's own words from his book Plain Facts for the Old and Young:
A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed. |
In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid [phenol] to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement. |
He also advocated tying children's hands, sewing a foreskin shut, and electric shock to "treat" masturbation.
In a time of Victorian attitudes and fear of the normal functioning of the human body, people believed Kellogg and accepted his prescriptions.
We now understand that masturbation is a normal, healthy part of sexuality, along with sexual relations with your spouse, which Kellogg is also rumored to have avoided in his many years of marriage.
Unfortunately circumcision never went out of fashion and many boys have been damaged physically and psychologically and suffered in this country because of this man's teachings.

To download (for free) two of the books written by JH Kellogg, follow this link. There are many different options for the format that is most convenient for you.
Added note February 24, 2013:
Long time friend of Tom Gualtieri writes here.
Added note February 24, 2013:
Long time friend of Tom Gualtieri writes here.
Damage That Circumcision Does
Posted by
on Wednesday, May 11, 2011
meatal stenosis,
scar tissue,
Comments: (0)
Just a few of the common complications from male infant/child circumcision:
What Happens During an Infant Circumcision?
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I got a few comments that there needs to be some links to videos easily accessible for expectant parents to be able to view before they make a decision on circumcision. I am absolutely certain this will be the most unpleasant research I have done for this blog.
Here's a closeup so you can really see what's going on:
Babies cry when they are in distress. They need to be held close and protected, not violated and tortured. After viewing these videos you have to understand this is a clear violation of basic human rights to bodily integrity.
I have decided to post several videos showing different situations. Please choose the one that would be most closely related to your own personal situation. Or watch them all and know there is no pleasant way to do this at all.
In absolutely every single situation, you have someone removing a healthy body part from an unwilling victim, and there is no getting around that. This act would not be legal in so many other instances. Why is it legal to do this to a non-consenting child?
WARNING: The following videos have very unpleasant footage that many people would be too sensitive to view. Proceed at your own discretion, and keep in mind, if you cannot watch this, how could you even entertain the thought of allowing this to happen to your child?
First video is something called the "Plastibell Method" done in a hospital setting. This is an actual teaching video used to demonstrate how this is performed:
Next is the Gomco clamp, also done in a hospital setting. Note how the doctor does not use any anesthetic before torturing him with amputation:
You think a bris is different? Here is Brit Milah performed as a religious ceremony to mark the flesh of the baby as being in Covenant with God. (Plus, take the time to read this if you're Jewish.)
Here's a closeup so you can really see what's going on:
Babies cry when they are in distress. They need to be held close and protected, not violated and tortured. After viewing these videos you have to understand this is a clear violation of basic human rights to bodily integrity.
In any case, forcing this extreme body modification on someone else without their consent is out and out wrong. There are studies showing the brain chemistry is altered and never returns to normal due to the stress this procedure causes.
We now understand there are many psychological implications to circumcision.
Taking the choice away from an individual is wrong.
***For further research:
Visit Circumstitions page on circumcision methods.
***For further research:
Visit Circumstitions page on circumcision methods.
Cut the Film
Posted by
on Friday, May 6, 2011
child circumcision,
the film
Comments: (1)