Intactivist Overheard

Quote from an intactivist mother in the United States:

To do a surgery on the sex organs of a baby for cosmetic and future sex-related reasons is a bunch of pedophilia. LADIES, I AM SAYING IT! I am tired of beating around the bush. Cutting and handling of baby genitals is medicalized pedopilia. I am telling you, I am straight up telling this to people now. Spread the word that circ is sick. It is no longer an argument of is it cleaner, better looking, the parents choice, etc. We've moved beyond that. Circumcision is here because the biggest pedophiles: Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Graham. They were such sickos that they created hospitals to torture, mutilate, and purposely traumatize children with genital torture and cutting... PEDOPHILES. And I am losing it, I can't take this country much longer. If a bill doesn't pass I'm moving to Denmark or any other place that has zero culture of mutilation. AND, for the record, I am tired of talking about it and having to educate and convince people not to f-ing cut up their own babies genitals. I am tired of talking about other peoples babies genitals. They should care more about protecting their baby from profiteering knife-wielding doctors.

Note from This frustration is all too common. People who are involved in this movement really, truly care about the children they are desperately trying to protect. Sometimes it gets to the point where we explode because it seems no one is hearing us. I heard another conversation where someone asked why does it seem like "intactivists" are crazy or sometimes even rude... that is not the intent at all. The answer given to this person was that it's just that we know too much, we know and we're trying to tell you, and we can see it so clearly for what it is, and we just want to protect children.

Strapping a baby down, or holding it down as is the case in many a bris, and then ripping apart that child's genitals and slicing parts off... does this really seem like a *sane* thing to do? Think on this for a moment, really meditate on it. Don't you agree that this should not even happen?


Anonymous said...

On behalf of the vast majority of circumcised men, "Intactivists, Go home and die"

Erika said...

Anonymous, why? Why do intactivists make you so angry? Because our presence forces you to think about what was done to you? I'm sorry that no one protected you when you were a baby :(

The Skin Force said...

Um.... you're lucky you didn't die in your circumcision pal. Thanks for that.

Rob~ said...

It's okay, Anonymous. As a circumcised male, it took me a while to realize that what was done to me was wrong and to find out just how much of my manhood had been stolen from me without my permission and to realize that the ones who were doing this were the insane ones. It'll come to you eventually.

winterkid said...

Anonymous, only if you go first. Circumcision is wrong and is never a good idea. Only in rare medical instances in which medication or treatment wont help and that's VERY rare. So we wont "go home and die", we're here to stay and in your face with the truth.

Steve C

Cyn said...

Poor victim ... clearly in denial. I hope you can finally come to terms with what was needlessly stolen from you. No human being deserves to be genitally mutilated. Not even you.

Anonymous said...

Go easy on Anonymous. Most victims find it easier to live with a comfortable lie than to learn the painful truth.

Anonymous said...