Finally on Twitter!

@Intactivist on Twitter... I am still setting up the account, but we're ready to have people follow us there.

There is a permanent link on the right hand side of the page to find us on Twitter or Facebook.

And as always, you can follow the blog several different ways & you can email me directly at with any questions, comments, rants, or submissions for publishing.

So much for my day off... I find myself on the computer and working on getting more material for blog posts for the upcoming week since the plans for today changed with the massive amounts of rain we got this morning!

I'm accepting submissions for upcoming blog posts! Be sure to send yours in today!


Amanda said...

Stalking! Er, following! :) said...

Awesome! Thanks!!

Restoring Tally said...

When you tweet on twitter, use the #i2 hashtag. The #i2 hashtag is used by intactivists to identify tweets supporting genital integrity.

PS: Tally is following you on Twitter.